Can Illegal Immigrants Make Injury Claims is a common question posed to our Injury attorneys. Under US and Oklahoma law, it is valid for an illegal immigrant to make personal injury claims. For example, say you or a loved one is working on a construction site. A heavy board falls or there is no tether for second story projects. You fall and injure yourself, or the board falls on you breaking your leg or injuring your back, shoulder, and neck. Regardless of you or your loved one’s immigration status, you are eligible for compensation.
Illegal Status and Personal Injury Claims
We understand that coming forward with any type of legal claim can be a frightening thing to do for many illegal immigrants. You fear it will expose your status and subject you to deportation by ICE. However, the law states that, “Every person is bound to not injuring another.” 76 O.S. § 1. The terms “every person” and “another” includes legal and non-legal people alike. Further, §6 goes on to say that every person has the “right to protection….from injury”.
The issue in this case is not whether or not you have a valid immigration status, it is about if you suffer injuries at the hands of another. Therefore, you can feel free to come forward and claim the compensation that is rightfully yours.
Types of Compensation
Under personal injury law, you have certain rights to compensation if you suffer injuries. You may claim lost wages, medical expenses relating to the injury, and even emotional distress if the injury is severe enough. Having an illegal immigration status is not a part of the considerations regarding your receiving compensation for injuries you suffer at someone else’s hands.
Let Us Help
Our immigration and personal injury lawyers understand the delicate balance between filing a legal claim and a shaky immigration status. Can Illegal Immigrants Make Injury Claims is an easy question to answer and the answer is yes. We can help you get the results you deserve while protecting your from a possible immigration problem. Call our injury attorneys today for a free consultation.